"The artistic process is a type of alchemy where the raw chaos of experience is transformed into something life giving."
My coaching style evolved out of creative and mind/body practices done over many years. Quite often, for people to get the most out of coaching, beginning a creative or mind/body practice in tandem with life coaching will be very helpful. If you like, I can help you identify and begin one of these practices, or find something else that speaks to your heart. I offer these examples of what I have done on my own personal growth journey.
Artistic expression is one of the many tools I can help you get started with to get in touch with your intuition, if you are so inclined. I include my own work here as an example of how I have personally used art as a way of accessing greater creativity, spontaneity, and joy. It is not about the product, or how good you are, but about the process. Art that is done for personal growth (as opposed to technical proficiency) can include art journaling, painting, collage, mixed media, drawing, coloring books, and more. Developing a personal artistic practice can help free a person from self-judgment and unlock dormant creativity and vitality.