
“The little things? The little moments? They’re not little.” Jon Kabat Zinn

Writing is another one of the many tools I can help you get started with to facilitate your personal growth and goal attainment. Here is an assortment of my own personal haiku that I have used in addition to journaling as a way to gain access to insight, unblock obstacles, and clarify goals. As with all personal growth tools, it is not about product, but about process. There is no good or bad, right or wrong. Instead, it is about the journey and what you can learn about yourself in the process. And the process can be great fun!

day’s end–
sparrows bathe in dust
and fallen flower petals

twilight walk–
until the birdsongs
trail off to one

my old neighborhood–
the perfume I used to wear
blows by on the breeze

morning routine–
watching the countdown
on the microwave

days alone
gazing outside
the tremendous unspooling
of striving